Orang dok sibuk tengok bola, aku sibuk mem-blog. Al-maklumlah, dah start busy la katakan. Hehe. Tak sangka pejam celik, pejam celik, dah nak masuk tahun baru dah. How fast time flies kan? Umur pun makin meningkat. Haihhhh. *sigh*
Eh, taknak cakap pasal umur lah. I'm Forever 21 kot. Haha.
Alright alright. Enough crapping.
There are two more days to a brand new year. Semua orang ada azam tahun baru kan. This upcoming year aku taknak berazam banyak sangat, sebabnya, azam tahun ni (2010) pun ada yang tak tercapai kot.
Eh jap, baru lepas check blog. Aku takde post azam tahun 2010 lah! LOL :D
So this is my new year's resolutions for 2011:
1. To buy BlackBerry Bold 9700 - Once I get my salary I will definitely go phone-hunting! And buy a new laptop, perhaps (?)
2. To be FIT, not FAT! - Seriously need to exercise!
(Dah boleh terima hakikat tak akan menjadi tinggi lagi, so bersyukur dengan apa yang ada)
Note to self - Calling someone else fat doesn't make you any skinnier :D
3. To move out - I need my freedom ASAP!
(Dah jumpa kawan yang sekepala, harap-harap dapat duduk satu rumah dengan beliau. Hehe.)
4. To save more money, and to spend less money - Need to overcome my addiction and obsession towards books, no more books for me! (Unless I found Mini Shopaholic with a reasonable price. Hehe.)
5. To become Great Teacher Lisa aka GTL - (Not gatal okay? :D) A Great History Teacher to be exact. Jadi Cikgu Sejarah lah aku lepas ni.
6. To be more optimistic, to have positive views about life so that I can be a better person - No more miss emoLEE!
7. To enjoy life to the fullest! - Well, we gotta live like we're dying right?
8. To get married (?) - Once dah beli Suzuki Swift and rumah Semi-D, baru cerita pasal kahwin. So, jangan tanya bila nak kahwin lagi ye, harap maklum. :P
babe, azam taun br ko tu sket...tambah lg la :) :)
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tak boleh banyak2 babe, takut tak tercapai azam tu nanti :P
lisa! rindu!!! hope all ur azams tercapai ;)
kakak makcik! rindu gk! hope u kawin cpt2! :P
kawen? apakah itu kawen? hahahaha... insyaAllah xlama lg lisa... lets wait n see ;)
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