February 13, 2010

Try to be FAME-ous

I'm not very fond of lovey-dovey songs,
but it's like I've been strucked by a love arrow by Mr. Cupid,
and it hits me right through my chest, eh, my heart.

Such a beautiful song with a meaningful lyrics,
I heart this song the minute I heard it.

TRY by Asher Book.

I'm gonna watch FAME after this, like totally gonna watch it.
Right after I run a one whole day GLEE marathon.


And oh, Happy Tiggery Chinese New Year,
and Happy Lalalove V-Day peeps!


Anonymous said...

kau perampas babi!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

kau bodohh..kau bangang!!!!!!kau da penah wait taik ngn aku babi~~~~

Lisa Farhana said...

eh, kau ni sape? tetibe ckp aku perampas lak. aku rampas ape dr kau?